New Patients


Our mission is to provide the highest quality of skin care services to our patients in a comfortable and caring environment. We aim to educate our patients on the importance of skin health and to offer personalized treatments that meet your unique needs. Our goal is to enhance the well-being of each person we serve by delivering exceptional results and exceptional care.

Interested in Scheduling an Appointment with Us?

To schedule an appointment, click here.

What To Expect

Being well-prepared for your appointment will ensure that the doctor has all of the needed information to provide the best possible care for you. It will also help alleviate any unnecessary anxiety you may be feeling prior to your first appointment. Educate yourself on your symptoms by reviewing the content on this Website. Also, take some time to review our staff page and familiarize yourself with your provider. 

For your first visit, please arrive 15 minutes early to complete any additional registration. Please note that if you arrive more than 10 minutes after your scheduled appointment, we may not be able to see you but will happily help get you scheduled in the next available appointment. While this may be the same day, we cannot guarantee same-day availability. 

We look forward to your first visit!

Important Things to Know - What We Are Not Able to Treat

At this time, our clinic is not able to treat the following -

  • Infestations, Bugs, and Delusions of Parasitosis - While we understand these concerns are valid and can be distressing, we are unable to offer treatment for these concerns at this time. This includes concerns for scabies, lice, fleas, mites (other than rosacea), worms, insect infestations in the skin, etc.
  • Allergy (Patch) Testing - We are unable to offer patch testing for skin allergies at this time. However, our clinic is happy to see you and offer treatment for this condition.
  • Allergy (Prick) Testing - This type of testing for urticaria, or hives, is most commonly done by an Allergist. Your Primary Care Provider can assist with referring you for this type of testing. However, our clinic is happy to see you for management of this condition.
  • Phototherapy - We are unable to offer phototherapy (UVB or UVA) services. However, our clinic is happy to offer other forms of treatments for conditions that may be treated with phototherapy such as psoriasis, eczema, and vitiligo.
  • Certain Cosmetics - We do offer a spectrum of cosmetic and laser treatments. At this time, services we are unable to offer include fillers, chemical peels and facials, microneedling, laser tattoo removal, or fat reduction procedures.

Connect with Us on Spruce for Secure Messaging

We utilize Spruce for HIPAA compliant communication with patients. You can text us through Spruce for any concerns or questions, and we can usually reply back more quickly than if you call the clinic because of high call volume. You can also send photos and files to us, and we can send any forms, instructional documents, and educational materials directly to you. Join us on Spruce by either clicking the following link or by scanning the QR code below.

Spruce QR 

Patient Forms

To help expedite your initial appointment, we request you complete the following New Patient Intake Packet before your visit. You can either complete electronically then print and sign, or can print and complete by hand then sign. Bring the completed packet with you during your initial appointment. 

Box sign